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Pour l’entrepreneur qui veut plus que des résultats, de clarté et d'équilibre!

Clarté et Action : Transforme Tes Journées et Ton Entreprise dès Maintenant Grâce À La Méthode Code-Leader

Passe à l’action avec clarté et énergie, et laisse la procrastination derrière toi une fois pour toutes avec les 6 non-négociables de la méthode Code-Leader.

Marc Dupont

Entrepreneur & Père de 2 enfants

Je me sentais complètement dépassé, jonglant avec les responsabilités de mon entreprise et ma vie personnelle, sans jamais trouver un équilibre. Puis, j’ai découvert cet accompagnement, et tout a changé ! Cela m’a permis de clarifier mes priorités, de restructurer mes journées, et surtout, de retrouver de l’énergie et de la motivation. Grâce à cet accompagnement, j’ai non seulement amélioré la gestion de mon entreprise, mais aussi renforcé mes relations personnelles. C’est un véritable game-changer qui a transformé ma vision et mon leadership. Merci pour cette bouffée d’air frais!


Environ 70 % des entrepreneurs se sentent dépassés, isolés et incapables d’équilibrer vie personnelle et professionnelle.

Les approches classiques de coaching vous propulsent-elles vraiment au prochain niveau?

Chaque année, des entrepreneurs expérimentés comme vous investissent temps, énergie et argent dans des conseils génériques, des formations standardisées ou des mentors déconnectés de leurs vrais défis.

Le résultat? Une sensation d’isolement, de surcharge mentale, et une stagnation professionnelle et personnelle qui mine votre motivation.

Ces méthodes souvent rigides ne tiennent pas compte de votre unicité ni de la complexité de votre réalité. Pendant ce temps, vous continuez à jongler seul avec vos responsabilités, repoussant sans cesse vos ambitions et vos aspirations.

Joannie Bédard, coach et mentor en leadership holistique, offre une approche radicalement différente. Avec son accompagnement personnalisé sur un an, vous bénéficiez d’un espace sécurisant pour explorer vos réflexions, surmonter vos blocages et structurer vos journées. Ensemble, vous clarifierez vos priorités, instaurerez des habitudes durables et renforcerez votre mindset pour une expansion personnelle et professionnelle.

Il est temps de sortir du brouillard mental, de reprendre le contrôle et de transformer vos efforts en résultats concrets. Plus qu’un simple coach, Joannie devient votre alliée stratégique, vous guidant à chaque étape de votre croissance.

Évitez les pièges courants des entrepreneurs

Beaucoup d’entrepreneurs tombent dans des cycles de surcharge mentale, de procrastination et d’isolement. Mon accompagnement vous aide à identifier et surmonter ces obstacles pour obtenir des résultats concrets et durables.

Devenez un leader aligné et performant

Grâce à des stratégies holistiques et personnalisées, vous apprendrez à structurer vos priorités, optimiser vos journées et renforcer votre mindset pour atteindre vos objectifs sans compromis.

Gagnez du temps et de l’énergie

Arrêtez de chercher des solutions à tâtons. Ensemble, nous simplifierons vos processus pour que vous puissiez consacrer votre énergie à ce qui compte vraiment – votre croissance personnelle et professionnelle.

Construisez un futur solide et équilibré

Développez des habitudes durables, une vision claire et une structure qui soutient autant votre vie personnelle que professionnelle. Mon accompagnement vous aidera à bâtir un quotidien qui reflète vos ambitions et vos valeurs.


Curious About What You're Getting?

Here’s just a fraction of everything you’ll gain from The Marriage Leadership Blueprint...

Reignite Respect and Trust

  • Repair the Foundation of Your Marriage: Discover why respect fades and how to rebuild it with clear, actionable steps that inspire trust and admiration from your wife.

  • Lead with Confidence: Learn how to embody the qualities of a strong leader who inspires respect without resorting to control or dominance.

  • From Missteps to Mastery: Correct common behaviors that unknowingly damage your relationship and replace them with habits that foster mutual appreciation.

  • Adaptable for Any Relationship Stage: Whether you’ve been married for years or are in the early stages, this section is designed to meet you where you are.

Reignite Emotional and Physical Intimacy

  • Understand Her Needs: Learn the key to emotional connection and why it’s the foundation for a deeper physical bond.

  • Rebuild Attraction: Discover small, meaningful gestures that reignite the spark in your marriage and make her feel truly valued.

  • Overcome Intimacy Barriers: Address past pain points and foster an environment where vulnerability and closeness can thrive.

  • Results That Last: Practical tips designed to create lasting intimacy, not just temporary fixes.

Become the Leader Your Marriage Needs

  • Lead with Love, Not Control: Discover how to motivate your dog with the power of high-value rewards.

  • Make Confident Decisions: Master the art of decision-making that benefits both partners while earning her admiration and trust.

  • Turn Conflicts into Growth: Learn how to resolve disagreements calmly and constructively, fostering growth instead of resentment.

  • Strengthen Long-Term Bonds: Develop leadership habits that maintain balance and respect in your relationship for years to come.

The Proven 21-Day Action Plan

  • Daily Growth Steps: Simple, effective tasks designed to rebuild respect, foster intimacy, and establish yourself as a confident leader.

  • Weekly Milestones: Progress through carefully designed phases to achieve clear and measurable improvements in your marriage.

  • Track Your Success: Use journaling exercises to reflect on daily wins, identify growth areas, and stay motivated throughout the process.

  • Sustainable Results: This plan is designed not just for quick wins but to create lasting transformation in your relationship.

Build a Marriage That Thrives at Any Stage

  • Designed for Every Husband: Whether you’re navigating rough waters or simply looking to strengthen a great relationship, this guide meets you where you are.

  • Timeless Principles, Modern Approach: Proven techniques rooted in psychology and relationship science, adapted for today’s busy couples.

  • For All Relationships: No matter how long you’ve been married, these strategies are tailored to fit the unique dynamics of your relationship.

  • Your Path to a Fulfilling Marriage: Transform your bond with insights that foster respect, intimacy, and leadership—no matter where you start.


4.8 / 5 based on 1,931 reviews

Exclusive Bonuses Just For YOU!

Along with the Marriage Course, unlock exclusive bonuses designed to accelerate your relationship transformation. These extras are carefully crafted to complement your journey, providing you with the tools and insights needed to strengthen your connection and lead your marriage with confidence. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your relationship to the next level!

  • BONUS 1: The Respect and Connection Blueprint

    Unlock an additional guide filled with quick and practical exercises to instantly rebuild respect and deepen emotional connection with your wife. These strategies complement the main course perfectly.

  • BONUS 2: The Audiobook of "The Marriage Leadership Blueprint"

    Listen on the go with the exclusive audiobook version of this guide. Perfect for busy husbands who want to absorb the life-changing lessons while commuting or multitasking.

  • BONUS 3: Marriage Leaders Private Community

    Join our private support group exclusively for husbands committed to transforming their marriages. Share experiences, ask questions, and receive insights from relationship experts and peers on the same journey.


Join Our Community of Success Stories

Verified Review


Entrepreneur & Father

"I felt like I had lost my wife’s respect, and we were drifting apart. This guide was a wake-up call. The clear steps made it so easy to rebuild trust and connection. Now, our relationship is stronger than ever, and I feel like a true leader in my marriage. Worth every penny!"

Verified Review


Engineer & Husband of 10 Years

"I always wanted to be the husband my wife could fully respect, but I didn’t know how to get there. This course gave me practical strategies I could use immediately. Within a week, we were communicating better and connecting on a deeper level. This was a game-changer!"

Verified Review


Freelancer & Dad of 2

"My marriage was on the brink, and I didn’t even realize how much I was contributing to the issues. This guide helped me identify what needed to change and how to do it. Now, my wife and I are closer than ever, and I finally feel in control. It’s been a lifesaver for my family!"

Verified Review


Self-Employed & Husband

"I used to feel completely lost about how to rebuild respect in my marriage. This guide gave me direction and showed me exactly what to do. It’s like having a coach walk me through every step. My biggest regret? Not getting this sooner. This is a must-have for any husband."

Verified Review


Marketing Professional & Married 5 Years

"I spent years trying to fix things on my own, but nothing worked. This guide broke it all down into clear, actionable steps. Now, my wife and I are closer than ever, and I’ve learned how to lead in ways that truly matter. If you’re on the fence, don’t hesitate—this guide is worth it."

Verified Review


Teacher & Proud Husband

"I didn’t realize how much my marriage was slipping until my wife told me she felt disconnected. This guide was exactly what I needed—it showed me how to take responsibility, rebuild respect, and rekindle the spark. Now, we laugh together, talk more openly, and I feel like the husband I’ve always wanted to be. This has been life-changing!"

4.8 / 5 based on 1,931 reviews


Get the Ultimate Marriage Transformation Guide Today!

With this bundle, you gain immediate access to invaluable resources to transform your marriage and strengthen your connection. For a limited time, grab this comprehensive relationship guide at an unbeatable price. Don’t miss this chance to unlock your marriage’s full potential and become the confident leader your relationship deserves!


$17 USD

VAT/Tax Include

4.8 / 5 based on 1,931 reviews

  • Full 81-Page Marriage Transformation Guide

  • BONUS 1: The Respect and Connection Blueprint

    Discover quick and effective exercises to rebuild trust, regain respect, and deepen your emotional connection. This guide is the perfect complement to your transformation journey.

  • BONUS 2: The Audiobook of "The Marriage Leadership Blueprint"

    Learn on the go with the exclusive audiobook version of our proven training system. Perfect for busy dog owners who want to absorb tips while multitasking.

  • BONUS 3: Marriage Leaders Private Community

    Gain access to our exclusive support group, where you can connect with like-minded husbands and receive expert insights from relationship coaches to guide your journey.

Questions Fréquentes

À qui s’adresse cette méthode ?

Cette méthode est conçue pour les entrepreneurs ambitieux qui veulent surmonter la procrastination, retrouver clarté et avancer avec structure dans leur vie personnelle et professionnelle.

Ai-je besoin de beaucoup de temps pour mettre ces stratégies en place ?

Absolument pas. Ces techniques sont simples, faciles à intégrer dans ton quotidien et conçues pour maximiser ton impact sans ajouter de charge à ton emploi du temps.

Combien de temps avant de voir des résultats ?

Avec une mise en pratique immédiate, tu peux ressentir un regain de clarté et d’énergie dès les premiers 90 jours.

Est-ce que cela fonctionne vraiment pour les entrepreneurs ?

Oui, ces méthodes ont été spécialement créées pour les entrepreneurs expérimentés qui cherchent à reprendre le contrôle et équilibrer leur vie personnelle et professionnelle.

Comment commencer ?

C’est simple. Clique sur le bouton ci-dessous pour accéder à cette vidéo gratuite et découvrir comment transformer ton quotidien dès aujourd’hui !

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